All posts by bagotgoatsociety

Bagot Goat Society AGM 2016

The Society held its annual general meeting on Saturday 16th July 2016 at Sandwell Park Farm. Nick Bohemia remains as the nominated Chairman of the committee and Wendy Gacem remains in her nominated role as the Society’s Treasurer. David Stapleton and Sam Perkins remain as nominated Committee Members for a second year and Sarah Pumfrett, Chris Clayton and Lee Preece became new members of the Committee.

This was a very positive and enjoyable meeting at which several topics were discussed. The significant increase in the size of the Committee suggests an optimistic future for the Society and the Bagot goat.




Bagots at Builth


Another successful RWAS Spring Festival for the Bagot goats.

These two beautiful and very well behaved females from the Northop herd attracted a great deal of attention from the public. Following the show the Society has received a number of enquiries regarding the purchase of Bagot goats and membership of the Society.

A big thank you to Wendy Gacem (our Treasurer) and her team from Coleg Cambria for being on-hand over the two day event to answer questions about the Bagots.

Bagot Babies

Coleg Cambria Kids (2)

Coleg Cambria Kids (1)Coleg Cambria Kids (3)

Wendy Gacem, Small Animal Centre Manager at Coleg Cambria, came into work on Tuesday morning, to find two new Bagot goat arrivals – twin girls! “Tammy is the first of our four nannies to give birth and the arrival of twin girls is fantastic!”

House Goat

Alonzo, from the Cwmffrwd Villa herd, has taken to jumping over the fence whenever he sees anyone at the window, he then trots round and into the house. Becky Sheppard took this  photo as he left the kitchen.
